Registration is closed for this event
September 19, 2017 - 1PM - 1:30PM PT | 4PM - 4:30PM ET

CiviTip Color

With profiles, you can collect information from your constituents. Profiles can be used to create standalone forms such as a "Contact Us" or a "Enews subscription" forms to post on your website.During this CiviTip, you will learn how to create standalone forms with CiviCRM.

What is a CiviTip?
CiviTips are short webminars of 1/2 hour where we offer tips and best practices on a particular CiviCRM functional area.

Who should attend?
Either you have missed a training session for your organization or you want a refresh on a specific functionality, you should attend a CiviTip.

September 19th, 2017 2:00 PM through  2:30 PM
Registration Fee
Per person $10.00