Sorry Registration for this event ended on May 17th, 2017 4:00 PM
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8:30am - 11:30am Pacific | 11:30am - 1:30am Eastern
CiviCRM Logo

For current CiviCRM users with some experience and who are comfortable with basic functionalities

Better emails, better marketing, better results! With a few tips and the proper knowledge of the tools in CiviCRM, you can ensure that your email campaigns make it to your constituent’s inbox. The more people engage in the emails, the more the open and click rates will increase and contribute to the overall success of your campaign. When you provide information that is clear, concise and easy to understand, people are more likely to read and engage in the content.

More details:
Explore the CiviMail module and what features it has to offer in terms of sending effective emails for marketing and engagement in addition to automated event reminders and membership renewals.

Learn about:

  • Best practices for getting emails into the inbox
  • Formatting do's and don'ts
  • Email client and readability testing
  • Using tokens including the Checksum token
  • Reporting
  • Optimizing emails for better open rates (including A/B testing)
  • Technical email deliverability (SPF & DKIM)
  • Concrete examples will be used to illustrate all of these topics.

We will use some HTML code but no previous coding knowledge is needed for this session.

Prerequisite recommendation:
"Fundamentals of Contact Management" class or proficient knowledge of contact management is recommended before taking this class. See our class calendar.

Questions? Contact Steve Kessler at



May 18th, 2017 7:30 AM through 11:30 AM
Training Fee
Per person $40.00